It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant.
— The Holy Bible, Matthew 20:26, English Standard Version

Why Am I Running For California Governor?

It’s time to bring the fight to our state’s corrupted so-called representatives. These vile career politicians and their acts of defiling our Constitution, Bill of Rights, State Constitution, and instituting state mandates and laws that would excuse the acts of panhandling to illegal immigration, suppress our unalienable rights, defend the criminal, destroy the state economy, and protect child sexual criminality is truly morbid. They need to be exposed, removed from office, tried in a court of record, and thrown in prison. They are all sell-outs. Enough is enough. This is why I am running for Governor!

I am tired of the rhetoric, the dirty politics, the undermining of our privacy and anonymity. My race towards this office is not a selfish one, but to be a true representative of the people whether you are republican, democrat, independent, non-partisan etc… with backbone, integrity, and honesty. I believe I am called to fill a void where empty promises and lies will become a thing of the past.

I’m not looking to become a career politician nor should any candidate. We’ve had enough falsities. I’m not looking to be politically correct or put on a fake smile for a snap shot or news worthy sound bite. I’m here because I despise the corruption in Sacramento and on Capitol Hill.


When you enlist into the military, you swear an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution FIRST. You do not swear to support and defend the New World Order (NWO). You do not swear an oath to defend any one party, such as Republican or Democrat. We are losing our constitutional foundation to the Technocrats who are using the Socialist, Marxist, and Communistic tactics to bring down our country one state at a time. Gavin Newsom and many of our state legislatures on both sides of the fence are part of this threat. This is not conspiracy, it’s fact! Even if it were conspiracy, it doesn’t make it any less true.

I don’t speak eloquently and I’m rough around the edges like the calluses on my hands. I shoot straight and tell it like it is. Many people consider that to be a trait of a common man and honestly, I’m okay with that. However, I’m not okay with how divided the people in our state and our country have become.

I am vigorously trying to fight against these swindlers for my God, my family, community, my state, my country. I am willing to stick my ass out on the line for what’s constitutionally right not what’s easy. It’s time we bring the battle to their doorstep and put the power of the State of California back where it belongs, into the people’s hands, permanently! California is my home and it’s worth the fight.

If there is one thing I truly learned when I first ran for congress, it’s that it's not about Republicans vs. Democrats, it's Republicans and Democrats vs. the LEFT! There are good people, solid Americans, on both sides who love this country and what the U.S. Constitution stands for. It’s time we think outside the box and stop playing by the rules that the Left refuses to abide by. It’s time for real accountability. It’s time for these degenerate sell-outs to see the inside of a prison cell and I am the Governor who will make that happen. COUNT ON IT!