““How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!””
STATE TAXES / Federal Taxes
HOMELESS / Housing
CLIMATE CHANGE / Climate Crisis
ILLEGAL ALIENS / Immigration
SECTION 230 / State Digital Bill of Rights
CA AB 395 / Nurse To Patient Ratio and Waivers
STATE TAXES / federal taxes
Starve The Government and Feed The People
State taxes, federal income tax, and the national debt are synonymous. Our national debt, at the time of this writing (September 25, 2023), stands nearly at a disastrous 32 trillion dollar crisis and climbing. It would take close to $90 to $130,000.00 per every man, woman, and child in the United States which is roughly 330 to 375 million Americans, depending on the accuracy of the census, to payout and zero our ridiculous and unsustainable debt. So let’s be honest, this monstrosity is looming over every American who is overworked, underpaid, and a slave to the all mighty IRS, Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the controversial 16th Amendment taxing our “income” and purposely mistaken to be defined as your “capital” which is incorrect.
When we talk about ‘Income Inequality’ and argue about the 10% richest families over the 70% of our countries wealth, we act as though this is a separate issue. It’s not! The rich already pay 50% of their earnings, which is way more than the average and low income earners at 13%. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not how to rebuild the middle class and incentivize communities to get ahead if they know they too will have half their earnings, “capital” stolen as their income “capital” increases. This is an extremely tyrannical approach to solving this problem. Our income inequality is also at the mercy and manipulative hands of the Federal Reserve and private bank shareholders where there is no oversight and they are at the helm of our national debt. Sadly, we have a Congress that lacks the spine to take on these private bank shareholders and eliminate their control over our people. The American people paid off their national debt at one time in 1834 and taxes only revolved around tariffs and excise tax apportioned to the state’s population. When the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 came into play, it infringed on our sovereignty and our freedoms ultimately leading us into our national debt.
California has the highest minimum statewide sales tax rate in the United States, at 7.5%, combined with local sales tax can climb as high as 10.5% and went up by 4.7% percent between 2019 and 2020. California has some of the highest state income tax rates at 13.3% depending on your bracket of earnings. This is another example of the rich paying out more already than lower incomes. AB 1253 (introduced by Assemblyman Miguel Santigo) passed the new law that raised taxes from 13.3% to 14.3% for income over 1 million and to 16.8% to those earning over 5 million. Many of these top earners and many business owners are closing up shop and leaving California. This has added to higher levels of unemployment in a time that California needs to loosen the taxes and burdens on businesses across the board. Government intervention is never the answer. An unmolested free market has always been the best solution to economic recessions and depressions. This is a prime example of California state fiscal mismanagement and their solution is “higher taxes?”
On another front, the argument regarding which U.S. President increased the national debt that pressures every state citizen for more money after their term of office, is something we all fail to realize isn’t where the fault rests, but upon the 119th Congress which is the oldest in history. Many representatives have been sitting in office for over 20 to 40 years. These current elected officials have served through 3 to 5 Presidents. So now ask yourself, who really are the culprits behind the screw up of our economy? The Legislative branch is the strongest branch holding the most power among the three branches of government. You may still argue that the fault rest upon the President, so then let’s look at some of our past U.S. Presidents and the debt they left in their wake that the state tax paying citizens get to pay off.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: He increased the national debt by 236 billion dollars. This was an increase of over 1000% from the previous President, President Hoover.
Woodrow Wilson: He increased the national debt by 21 billion dollars, increasing it by over 700% from the previous President, President Taft.
Ronald Reagan: He increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion dollars. This was an increase of over 150% from the previous President, President Carter.
George W. Bush: He increased the national debt by 5.7 trillion dollars. This was an increase of over 100% from the previous President, President Clinton.
Barack H. Obama: He increased the national debt by 9 trillion dollars. This was an increase of over 74% from the previous President, President Bush.
Donald J. Trump: He increased the national debt by 7.7 trillion dollars. This was in increase of over 39% from the previous President, President Obama.
Joe Biden: Currently, at the time of this writing, October 2022, the national debt increased by 3.2 trillion dollars and counting…
Yet behind all of these President’s, the Congress we have today are the real reasons why we have an unbalanced budget that the next 5 generations have to somehow pay off, default on the debt, go into hyper-inflation, or remain indentured servants permanently. This has gotten out of hand. States are pressured by this debt along with their own mismanagement of fiscal policy. While current officials both at the state and federal level point the finger at each other, continuously raise the debt ceiling, or increase state taxes to no end, the people are asking, ‘how are we going to safeguard ourselves against the the debt which is the proverbial pink elephant in the room?’
As Governor I Will end illegal federal taxation of your capital
End the Federal and payroll “income” tax indefinitely. This does not require the legislative process since Congress, in 1913 defined Capital as “labor.” Supreme Court Ruled: Butchers Union vs. Crescent City Co. (1884). Knowlton vs. Moore (1900), that taxes can only be on duties, imposts and excises.
Excised tax will only be allowed to the Federal Government, granted by the U.S. Constitution in apportionment which will be determined of how much or how little by the people of the state.
In order to continue to ‘starve the government and feed the people,’ we need to minimize the sales tax by cutting it by half. This would cut sales tax from 7.5% to 3.25% combined with local taxes that would normally be 10.5%, we could then bring sales tax down to 5.25%.
Since AB 1253 is unconstitutional, I will nullify and cut the wealthy tax by half. This would bring down the 13.3% and 16.8% to 6.65% and 8.4.%. Government does not have the right to punish the wealthy because the state government mismanages its own fiscal policy.
As Governor, I will ensure California will no longer participate in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. As a state, California can bring this issue to the forefront and go toe to toe with the Federal Government and the Central Banks who have been at the epicenter of our economic manipulation and they need to be removed. California will allow the free market to take over and do what it does best, be free!
Because the IRS engages in ‘legal fraudulent concealment’ through their contract tax forms, California will no longer allow for the the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to operate in our state. What the IRS has failed to tell the people is that taxes voluntary.
Implement a cap on state government spending that would only allow the incurring of a debt that could be paid off in one generation. If the next generation has to pay for it, then the state doesn’t have the funds to spend it.
Educate Californians on what the people can do to hedge a potential economic collapse by encouraging the investment of precious metals (i.e. gold, silver, and palladium) along with new commodities such as digital crypto-currencies (i.e. Bitcoin, Etherium and Monero). Like gold, Bitcoin is not only scarce in digital nature, but it also has intrinsic cyber value and can be used as a currency in the buying and selling of goods and services that eliminate the need for a central bank and puts banking back into the people’s hands. Other investments such as land, agriculture, water cultivation and other natural resources.
Reclassify the state under proper common law jurisdiction and advance an R.O.E. (Revocation Of Election) apparatus as a state against the Federal Reserve’s uncouth and unhinged taxation without representation over California sovereigns.
Criminals Don’t Care About State or Federal Gun Laws
California already has some of the most aggressive laws regulating the usage, selling, and purchasing of guns that undermine the 2nd Amendment. California has implemented a staggering 15 new gun laws in 2020, 9 in 2021 such as AB 12, AB 1968, and SB 61 to name a few. Most of these are 'Red Flag’ laws that address people who are assumed to be at extreme risk of committing violence towards other people and/or themselves. A major problem with these ‘red flag’ laws is that they induce a ‘pre-crime’ reaction which is unconstitutional. We don’t arrest people or take away their rights for a crime that hasn’t taken place.
Sadly, these gun laws predominately negatively effect the law-abiding citizen, not the criminal. Our current gun laws do not address the already thousands of guns floating around on the streets, online dark-web purchases, or the lack of compliancy from gun retailers. Most criminals will buy a gun from the black market, steal the gun, drive it in from another state from where gun laws are less stringent or build a ghost gun, which is ordering parts on-line and piecing it together. These actions alone undermine the state’s efforts to positively reinforce effective gun laws in place now.
We need to also be very careful about the words we use in trying to bring measures towards ‘assault weapons,’ ‘assault rifles,’ or ‘weapons of war.’Please name any assault weapon or assault rifle that wasn’t designed to assault? Ambiguity is the enemy in that phrase. We need to do a better job at preserving our ‘right to keep and bear arms’ and stop the dilution of our 2nd Amendment.
So what protective measures do we take to stop the ‘criminal’ and positively empower the law-abiding citizen?
As Governor I Would Propose A proposition(s) to the people That Will Affect The Criminal
Any gun used in a crime, should be charged and held under similar restriction as cyber crimes, 18 U.S.C s 1030(e)(1). They must subject themselves upon release to probational computer monitoring, be registered like sex offenders, and be held to the same type of scrutiny sexual predators are held too.
Increase fines, longer community service laboring, and longer sentences for both adults and juveniles.
As governor i will nullify all repugnant legislation egregious to the 2nd Amendment and increase the already existing laws that protect law-abiding citizens
Become a ‘Stand Your Ground State.’ Loosen and expand the ‘Castle Law’ to tie into the ‘Good Samaritan Law’ for law-abiding citizens when a self-defense gun action has taken place in their home or on their property, but also to a neighboring home that may be in distress, which should then be handled on a case by case basis.
Pre-crime red flag laws will no longer be enforced in California
Any criminal who has served their time and probational time that are non-repeat offenders will have their ‘rights’ fully restored to keep and bear arms.
Obtaining CCW’s will be encouraged in all 58 counties so communities can have greater involvement preventing criminal activities.
sb 145 / sex offenders registration act / sb 384 & CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING
Who Will Our Children Run To When Our Laws Protect the Predator
I’ve read the State Senate floor notes on SB 145 and it is extremely misleading. This bill was spearheaded by State Senator Scott Wiener who I am regularly disgusted by. He consistently shows bizarre patterns of behavior by always trying to lower the age of a minor towards engagement(s) with adult activities. The reason why I say the bill is misleading is simple. You have to look at the language political officials use to confuse the masses.
Senator Scott Wiener, in his own words recently tweeted:
Senator Wiener used the phrase and words, “young people (ppl) who have ‘consensual’ sex w/ a person age 15-17 must register, whereas similarly situated straight young people (ppl) don’t have to.” The word “young people (ppl”) is subjective! He also combines that phrase with “consensual” sex w/ a person age 15-17. Notice he doesn’t say the word ‘minor’ or ‘child’ or ‘children’ because there is no such thing as a consenting minor with an adult because they are minors. Last time I checked, teenagers 15-17 are still minors and are still children who are not yet legal adults. The phrasing is designed to make you think the bill is about two consenting minors, hidden in the guise of discrimination with the LGBTQ+ community “young people.” See what he did there?
The debate is between adult homosexual anal / oral minor intercourse vs. heterosexual vaginal intercourse that are not judged the same. This bill does not equalize criminal behavior on both for wrongful engagement with a minor. Instead, the bill lightens the judicial punishment and now permits a 10 year age gap not to go beyond 14 years of age, between adult and minor sexual criminality so long as the minor is “consensual” or “voluntary” which is left to a judge’s discretion. This is sick! What’s next? A 15 years gap? How about 20 years? This is another boiling frog syndrome to warm the people up to the idea that this has nothing to do with pedophile tendencies or turning our children into adults before they are adults. This needs to stop!
The line in the sand has already been drawn for what is considered an adult beginning at 18 years of age in the State of California. The law does not recognize a minor’s intent as legal consent because the responsibility falls on the legal adult. Too many exceptions throughout America have been made, such as the ‘Romeo and Juliet Law’ which allows for some leeway (i.e. high school sweethearts). These watered down laws protecting our children have now led California down a very slippery slope. This dilution of the registry act opens up the door of opportunity to be exploited. How? The dismissive behavior of the increase and intensity of child sex trafficking.
Our children have almost nowhere to run to when the governments of the world, much like Scott Wiener, have allowed their perversions to steal the innocents of those who should be protected at the highest cost.
SB 384 creates a tier list of predation and to remove sex offender registration based on the act or age the crime was committed. This bill softens the predator’s crime for life accountability. Our state is leading the way to normalized sexual predators rather than protecting the victims.
As Governor I will nullify this bill and proposition to the people that will affect sexual criminality against minors AND OF CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING
1. In the State of California, the age 18 needs to be reaffirmed with harsher punishment that once you are 18, a ‘Hands Off No Exceptions Act’ should be established when an adult and minor sexual engagement has transpired irrelevant of sexual orientation to mitigate argumentative discrimination attempts to undermine it.
2. Incorporate into California’s educational curriculum, mandated classes on laws against sex crimes to better educate our children and empower their understanding to safeguard their future against potential predators.
3. I will create a task force that will lead public investigations, to the fullest extent, that will look into ALL of our state’s representatives in EVERY branch that have turned a blind eye, passed egregious legislation, or protected the criminal instead of the child when it comes to the sex trafficking of children and excusal of pedophiles hiding within our government institutions. Arrests, trials, and the harshest of punishments will be made under my administration beginning on day one!
4. Every shipping container will be inspected before the containers can be off loaded with the help of public volunteers comprised of human and child sex trafficking preventative committees and organizations. These groups will be granted full access to mitigate shore dock personnel having ties to underground cartels engaging in trafficking.
5. Arrests, trials, and reinstitution the death penalty for all child predators and various predators alike will be made under my administration beginning on day one!
defunding the police / police reform
I Do Not Support Defunding The Police. Period!
I am fortunate to have family who serve on The Thin Blue Line. I’ve gone on a few ride-alongs and watched them perform their duties admirably. They risk their lives everyday and I couldn’t be more proud. But you don’t hear about how well they performed their jobs because it wasn’t sensational enough to be on the 7 o’clock news. The majority of everyday folk don’t hear about, see, or experience the dangers these brave men and women endure. That’s because the media paints our police officers in the worst kind of light.
The last thing we want to do is defund our law enforcement. They, like many Americans, are overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated. Most people don’t realize the lack of funding police officers get. They end up using their own money to get the job done and never ask for that money to be paid back. It just comes with the territory.
I hear the argument that defunding the police is really about funding other social community programs that can better help our neighborhoods filled with crime. I’m not opposed to that. I’m opposed to using money that would have otherwise gone to the police departments and shift resources over to potentially untested city programs that might otherwise be wasted. The problem is people are never going to call a social worker to stop a crazed man shooting up a fast food restaurant, or two armed suspects that are strung-out on flakka. I can go on all day with scenarios, I’ve seen it, but the point is the police are the first on the scene and they are the ones picking up the pieces left behind after a shooting spree.
Are there bad apples in the bunch. Yes! 100%. That is why I support reform. But, what in the hell does that look like? Keep in mind, police officers are the ones who have to be a social child psychologist when they have to pick up a child crying over their parent who just got randomly shot by some thug. They have to be stunt drivers in order to catch a kidnapper racing down a highway at disastrous speeds with someone else’s child in that getaway car. They have to pull on their Wyatt Earp skills in the middle of a high school shootout where other teenagers hunker down in hopes they don’t get killed in the crossfire. They have to be EMT’s when someone’s grandparent is having a heart attack and the ambulance is 20 minutes out. They have to magically pull out their suicide hot-line capabilities and talk someone down from jumping off a bridge. They have to be crowd control and street lawyers, party poopers and babysitters. And sadly, we expect our officers to become Bruce Lee or Ip Man when they are challenged with people so high on drugs it would almost appear that those crazed individuals have super human strength, but don’t worry, your police officer has it all under control. They have to perform under such duress, we the people expect them to do it all with a smile. Nonsense!
AS GOVERNOR I Will institute Law enforcement reform that will protect our peace officers and the public
All law enforcement agencies will have to take remedial classes to ensure they are enforcing Constitutional law and NOT statutes that abrogate or abridge the right of the people.
Ensure better funding to be allocated out to programs that would increase law enforcement departments’ ability to handle multiple types of scenarios during their watch. Not all precincts can match major metropolitan cities that have greater funding to create departments that officers can specialize in.
Peace officers are executors of the law, not private security. Only a reasonable amount of law enforcement units should be allocated out as security detail to local, state, or federal representatives. If more is needed, representatives can hire private bodyguards and as Governor, I will mandate this out to all branches and state agency members.
A more balanced initiative for the needs every city and county requires to maintain their area of civility should be standardized.
Police academies are only 6 months long. If a medical student has to attend 4 to 10 years of training before they can become an official doctor, a lawyer has to attend up to 7 years before they can practice law, then why not a police officer? We need required extended training for at least another 6 to 9 months before being granted a badge, a gun, and the power to arrest or perform investigations.
Extended training should require on the job training in respective fields they have to deal with for a minimum of 2 to 3 month each (i.e. EMT, fire department, social work, dispatch, homeless, Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/ hand-to-hand combat, suicide hotline, drug addiction programs, reformed gang member training, etc.).
As Governor, I will not allow for disciplinary police officers to transfer from precinct to precinct, whether in state or from out of state. Repeat disciplinary police officers bring corruption that stains the honor of the principled who support their oath to the Constitution and the duty to the people.
To bridge the gap between law enforcement and the public, we need better ‘ride-along’ and ‘a day with police officer’ programs that need to be made available and mandated to the public that are not widely accepted in other districts and counties in California.
County Sheriffs are the gate keepers to protecting the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution and State Constitution stay intact. Sadly their budget is controlled by the BOS forcing the Sheriff to play politics, which quite often undermines their duty to the supreme law of the land. Under my administration, county Sheriff budgets will only be controlled by the Sheriff’s department and their increase by the people.
As Governor I will work to standardize county Sheriff budgets under the State Constitution. For ie…Since the county derives its budget per the people of the county, a set operating amount will be mandated to be allocated out to the county Sheriff’s department and any future increases in personnel, programs, equipment, or pay will have to be petitioned to the people of their county annually, bi-annually, or during voting cycles. This will allow the people to be provided a greater level of control over their Sheriffs department if their county Sheriff is not performing their duties properly.
Since it is a felony to violate once oath of office, under California Government Code Article 4: Sec. 1369 to engage in “other unlawful means” to advocate the overthrow of the government, such as writing repugnant legislation, I will ensure that a Sheriff, deputy, or representative of the county Sheriff’s department will sit on the BOS when legislation is being drafted or voted into law. This act is for accountability. If any BOS member complicity drafts an egregious bill, the Sheriff will remind the BOS that the passing of such a bill will not be enforced, will be considered a felony, and therefore punishable by imprisonment.
homeless / housing
“The Poor Will Always Be With Us”
The growing homelessness is out of control and our current state and local officials are dragging their feet to improve the situation. So let’s face facts, there’s profit to made off of the homeless.
I recently spent some time with the homeless in Los Angeles County and spoke with many of them as to how they are taken care of, what resources are available to them, and what organizations have reached out to help them. Many of the homeless are on a waiting list to get into a shelter and have been on that list for quite some time, others have been on the streets for decades with little reprieve in sight.
In the Ventura County, they are constantly working hard to maintain a year round shelter for the homeless through the ‘Memorandum of Understanding.’ This understanding is an effort that supports every inner city shelter center working to get the homeless off the street. They help each other by providing more beds, personnel, clothing, food, volunteers, and medicine. The numbers prove a decrease in the homeless population in Ventura County. Each city has its own structure based on its own needs, but why don’t the adjacent towns, like Los Angeles County cities? There are over 600 tried and true non-profit organizations that provide incentives for land, building, apartment, and home owners who have vacancies to open up their property for the homeless. The incentive provides paid rent for low income as well as basic maintenance for the facilities. This is a win-win approach. In Los Angeles County, at the time of this writing updated, October 2022 there are roughly 70 to 80 thousand homeless, but more than 70 thousand vacant apartments, buildings, warehouses, and other various properties that can be retrofitted for the homeless. The solution is there, but no one with the integrity or spine to fight to improve the homeless situation.
As Governor I will stop local government profiteering off of our homeless
Prevent state cities from requesting more federal funding to claim a crisis when there is zero public fiscal oversight.
Have the state negotiate for the same homeless programs and concepts that are working in one county and apply them to the adjacent county that is still struggling.
Project Room Key will be heavily investigated for the amount of money that has been put into this project, more homeless should have been removed off the streets and placed into better living facilities. This money will be put into already tried and true programs for the homeless.
Develop new incentive programs for inner city homeowners to extend or lend their property in the surrounding homeless neighborhoods and work with groups, similar to the over 600 nonprofit homeless organizations and churches who focus on different facets of the homeless populace. Many homeless have mental instability, some are addicts, others are just down on their luck. These non-profits need the freedom to help and more available housing is needed, not more red tape.
Many of these organizations and churches will provide rent payments, maintenance of the facility, and rehabilitation for the homeless. I will help to expand on Section 8 Housing to bridge nonprofits with new property owners incentivized in gaining passive income. This will allow banks to no longer waste money on vacant property. This will get the homeless off the street and the people will have a better stake in their community.
Bridge the gap between any misunderstanding of current property owners with vacancies and provide them with greater tax breaks to allow their property to be retrofitted for the homeless.
climate change / CLIMATE CRISIS
“The Wind Blows Where It Wishes, And You Hear Its Sound, But You Do Not know Where It Comes From Or Where It Goes.”
Back during my youth, roughly in 1987, there was a hole in the ozone layer and we were not going to be protected from the sun’s rays. We were all going to burn up and die. That didn’t happen. In 1989, a U.N. scientist predicted that global warming, if not checked would cause coastal cities to be underwater by the year 2000. That didn’t happen. After the 1994 Northridge earthquake, according to scientists, California should have already had the ‘big one.’ Al Gore predicted in 2007 that by 2013 the Arctic Ocean would be completely ice free. That didn’t happen. At some point in time, we need to stop politicizing science. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said the world has 12 years before it ends if we don’t address climate change. Being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m sure he’d like to know how she came up with that number, when God the Father didn’t tell his Son nor the angels when Heaven and Earth would end.
The fires that have happened all over California for the past several years are not the result of climate change! They are the result of poor fiscal policies, our faulty electric grid, and power companies not being held accountable for their terrible maintenance and trying to pour their millions into renewable energies rather than tending to the back logs on our current infrastructure. They are also the result of horrible forestry mismanagement after a fire has taken place that is not being handled effectively for both state and federal land due to lack of proper funding. Other culprits are serial arsonists that the media refuses to identify as further perpetrators behind the spread of our most disastrous state wild fires, environmentalist groups that know very little about forestry and who sue anyone who dare touch or cut down trees. Last, but not least, former CA. Governor Jerry Brown signed a measure that would allow utilities to bill their customers to pay for future legal settlements stemming from past devastating fires, even if the blaze are blamed on the company’s own mismanagement. So if they screw up, ‘we the people’ get to pay it out.
Summer heatwaves are a normal natural occurrence in California during the same time and season every year, which begs the question if natural wild fires or planned wild fires occur to push an agenda. The problem with Governor Gavin Newsom’s grandstanding on Climate Crisis, is that his solutions are not immediate. Even if we jumped on the Green New Lie or other similar proposals using renewables and less fossil fuel with lower carbon emissions, this is not going to put a dent into stopping the fires if climate change is in fact the cause in the short-term. Rather than taking responsibility for his failed policies, Gavin points the finger at an invisible culprit that science clearly gets wrong on a regular basis. I find it odd that these wild fires have not crossed the boarders into Canada or Mexico. In fact Mexico’s government has dispatched their own firefighters to aid our state on multiple occasions. Apparently, climate change doesn’t like to travel down south. This is not conspiracy, just an observation.
As Governor I Will end the mismanagement of state fires
Expand the authority of our United States Forest Services and California Dept. Of Forestry to work in tandem in our state to better cultivate our forests in preparation for fire season and remove special interest and environmentalist groups ability to blockade and sue the USFS and CDOF for forest thinning, dead tree removal, and timber sales.
Triple the number of incarcerated firefighter inmate programs for increased support and year round seasonal forestry fire preparation cleaning and clearing. This will not give inmate firefighters an automatic frontline to getting a fire department job when they are released under my administration.
Incentivize California firefighter volunteer programs by providing businesses, jobs, property, and other tax exemptions to those willing to provide their support for a dangerous job where recruitment is struggling to provide new members.
Increase the distance from electric grid and forestry away from small rural and heavily dense populated areas to not effect housing and businesses prone to wild fires.
Instead of calling on our military during typical fire season, we need to call on them in a preventative measure before fire season. If we can use our military for humanitarian purposes during non-war times then we can use them here, right at home, during non-fire season times.
Investigate environmentalist groups that have engaged in backend deals with our state legislatures and their policy dealings with our forest and agriculture that are prone to fires.
End GEO Engineering. All plans that are cloud seeding, chemtrailing California skies or blocking out the sun will be escorted to a military base or shot down. Let God’s green earth and its weather take its natural course.
“Laugh Hard, Sleep Well Can Be A Great Cure For Many Things”
Healthcare is one of the most sensitive and emotional topics every state struggles with. Improve the quality, treatment, and accessibility of the medical community while lowering the costs and increasing insurance competition are just a few primary topics plaguing the healthcare outcry.
Healthcare insurance is overly complex, wildly expensive, filled with bureaucracy, and an industry where medical professionals are burning out and sometimes forced to compromise on their profession with doing what’s right for the patient by dictating insurance policies. Unfortunately, a ‘Medicare-For-All’ would quite possibly destroy our current medical infrastructure and break the back of an already overburdened state. This would also pigeonhole the medical profession in a box.
Socialistic healthcare is not the answer. To be honest, there is no easy one size fits all answer. However, I do believe that everyone has a right to available, affordable, and quality healthcare whether they can pay for it or not. So, this raises the big question, what is our best solution? I admit, my plan is not a perfect plan.
As Governor it’s time to improve our state healthcare system so the people have greater control over their own health
Limit prescription drug costs by capping the pharmaceutical companies with how much they can charge and prevent them from doing business in our state until they agree to release their drug patents within the year the drug is active, provided proof of efacacy to the public. This allows the public to make more well rounded health decision when they know what they are taking. This is not to be confused with Keynesian policy making that the ignorant Left like to shout in my direction. Big Pharma has monopolized the health industry through egregious legislation that would corner the market and force commercial activity upon the people which is illegal for government to do under the constitution.
Clarity: Capping any industry is government’s impingement upon a free and open market. Unfortunately, we don’t have a free and open market. It is heavily restrained by big corporations who lobby your representatives that tie state bills to corporatist contracts. Since the right to a contract is not limited, written in the U.S. Constitution, they engage in an exploitation of the contract clause, which forces the people to have to meet on a profit margin. This needs to be countered by affecting their hand to operate justly until these medical conglomerates can be held accountable in a court of record and the people are back in control of their own health with big government and the cartels out of the way of the free market.
Hold hospitals accountable with a district by district publicly held oversight committee to prevent price gauging for the drugs and supplies they administer.
Clarity: Hospitals are businesses, and they are incentivized, much like when the mRNA covid*19 vaccines came around, would garner 15k for every patient tested and 30k for every patient administered. This money is paid out from the pharmaceuticals, manufactures, and medical industry operatives that are given a guaranteed arrangement pledged by the state. The state get’s their money from the taxpayers and continues a vicious cycle of debt enslavement that utilizes the people’s health as their launching mechanism.
Provide quarterly data on unnecessary medical waste to Accountable Care Organization (ACO) so medical communities can make quick and decisive quality improvements on delivery of medical care.
Create a state healthcare policy that will allow Californians to buy and accept health insurances across our state line to create better competition and choice.
Provide greater state incentives for the expansion of private practitioners to take on homeless or allow 20 percent or more of their low income and physically impaired clients to pay zero fees.
Allow doctors and nurses the freedom to innovate and meet the needs of their patients without being held down or stopped by hospital, insurance policy, and corrupt California Medical Board.
Encourage the people of California to obtain an HSA (Health Savings Account) which is not taxable. This will allow people to pay for medical needs where insurances fail. This can also help citizens pay for family members that are here illegally, but can still retain proper medical attention without burdening tax payers.
mandatory vaccinations / flu-shot / covid-19
“No One Is Above The Rule Of Law”
Let me be clear, I was someone who once spouted out that ‘I was not an anti-vaxxer.’ But now, I question ALL vaccines, and rightfully so. To be more clear, I am anti-vaccine! Please quote me on that!
If no one can be above the law, according to our U.S. Constitution’s 5th and 14th Amendments, it then must be applied to all bodies of people, groups, entities, and governing types of authority. The Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 denies the public the right to sue the vaccine manufacturers, shareholders, companies, and C.E.O’s. The 5th Amendment clearly states, “You can not be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law;” Families who have had their children injured by a vaccine have not been given the justice to go after these vaccine companies. The 14th Amendment says, “no State can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Key words in both amendments are deprive, deny, life, due process and equal protection. Then how do the states provide equal protection or due process when the other party has immunity? So the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 is in clear violation to the 5th and 14th Amendments and therefore the state(s) do not have to abide by this act.
But now bring on the vaccine court(s), officially known as The Office of Special Masters, which is the division of The United States Court of Special Claims. The Supreme Court ruled in favor to protect the vaccine companies from civil lawsuits. This ruling is also contradictory to the 5th and 14th Amendments. This would be similar to ruling that murder done with a knife and not a gun is acceptable and the attacker is immune from prosecution. So enabling individuals from suing the vaccine companies doesn’t allow for equal protection under the law and is therefore in violation. The problem with the court is that ALL payments paid out DO NOT come out of the manufacturers pocket. It comes out of the people’s pocket, the citizens of each state where the claim resides in. When this kind of immunity is given to the vaccine companies and the payout for injuries is provided through what Congress created known as the Tax Trust Fund which is taken from the people, it gives no incentive to the vaccine manufacturing companies to make their vaccines SAFE since they can produce them without risk of liability.
Health departments argue that, “no drug or medical procedure is entirely without risks.” If there is a risk, the State and the Federal Government must allow for CHOICE without cornering parents, people, and their communities by not allowing children to attend school or enter participation in public businesses of interest. That’s not an option. If anything, this would be the definition of discrimination.
This has all paved the way for how the governments of the world, including the U.S., have conducted their handling of Covid-19 / Wuhan virus. Operation Warp Speed will make it easier for draconian states, like California, and the Federal Government to force this vaccine by providing little option not to take it. Why the rush for a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.7% chance of survivability? Why the rush to a vaccine, when Covid-19 has a death toll less than that of influenza compared to the last two years? Too many questions and opposing arguments go towards ANY vaccine, not just the Covid-19 vaccine.
As Governor I will hold the vaccine manufacturing companies accountable
1) End the compliancy the ‘Vaccine Injury Act of 1986’ as a state and its unconstitutional grounding by removing Californians from the Tax Trust Fund for vaccine injuries
2) Stop discrimination against parents and children who choose not to vaccinate.
4) Ensure the State of California will hold the vaccine companies directly responsible for maleficence by denying their company any further distribution in California without proof of corrected publicly trialed and tested efficacy of ALL vaccines.
5) Re-list all previously removed ingredients of the last decades for all vaccines which can be verified by the public, hospitals, physicians, and third party researchers unaffiliated with big pharmaceutical companies or private industries.
“Before I Formed You In The Womb, I Knew You.”
The argument of abortion is one of the most tense and exhausting subject matters that has caused division within our nation. This is also a subject to which I do not take lightly. Let me just say, I am pro LIFE!
During my time in the military, I met a woman from another command. We were two young twenty-year-olds who were heavily attracted to each other and during our relationship we got pregnant. Yes, I said we because it takes two to create a baby. We spend so much time debating over the woman’s right, we forget about the man’s right. My ex-girlfriend decided to have an abortion towards the last week of the second trimester. No matter how hard I fought to convince her that I would take care of our baby even if she wasn’t ready, it still wasn’t enough. I feverishly in tears begged her to keep our baby. We knew that it was a boy. We gave him a name. Tobin C. Mercuri. Toby for short. On April 3, 2001 at 1:00pm, my son Toby perished. To this day, there is not a moment that I don’t think about what Toby would have been like and who he would have become. So I ask you, where were my rights?
If a woman gets pregnant in America, she has the right to keep the baby or abort them. If the woman decides to keep the baby, the man has to provide child support. If a man, by order of our laws, has to provide child support then he should also have a say over the baby’s life during the pregnancy.
Now comes the greatest question that no on has a good answer for, what about women or girls who are a victim of rape, incest, or sex trafficking? First understand, those make up less than 1% of all of those types of cases. However, when talking to these types of victims, to simply say the baby is innocent and she must remain pregnant leaves very little room to provide emotional, religious, and psychological support for the victim. We cannot have a one sided law that is purely Pro-Choice, it is not that simple. Right now, we are trying to protect the innocent baby inside that mother’s womb. I believe it goes deeper than that. We are not just fighting for the baby, but we need to fight for the victimized mother as well. We need to provide provisions that will fight for both the victimized mother and the baby. When speaking to rape victims who were left pregnant, many said that they would have committed suicide if they were forced by state law to keep the baby. Now we, and I, if I am to be Governor have a real dilemma on our hands. How do we protect both?
Let me be clear! I DO NOT SUPPORT ABORTIONS even for those many would consider exceptions to the rules I’ve written below. If we are a product of “Nature and Nature’s God,” as it is written in The Declaration of Independence’ then when a man and woman consummate, the moment of conception proves that our posterity is a product of the natural environment, which means a child in the woman has a right to ‘Life.’
As Governor I Would nullify all repugnant legislation egregious to the supreme laws of the land with respect to the right to life
In doing so I would support the unborn child and victimized mothers as written here and do so with a heavy heart
1) Nullify AB 2223 ‘INFANTICIDE.’ This bill removed the words “crimes against nature.” That was done on purpose to get around the ‘Declaration of Independence.’ That act alone puts the authors who drafted the bill and those who voted this bill to operate under the color of law, a violation of their oath. They will ALL be imprisoned under my administration.
2) Close down and remove Planned (Abortions) Parenthood’s ability to operate in the State of California. Taxpayers have no business paying for someone else’s desire to abort a child.
3) The state can help direct better funds towards organizations that do not support abortions such as religious health centers and other medical foundations that rehabilitate these women and young girls who are victims of rape, incest, or sex trafficking. These organizations and foundations should be given the highest priority of funding and personnel to help them educate and meet the emotionally distressed woman’s needs and to incentivize the mother to keep the baby or present them with the support needed when choosing to place the baby for adoption.
4) Any OBGYN will tell you that this particular circumstances has almost never happened. But for those that want this answered, here you go: If an abortion is necessary based on ‘potential’ complications that may be foreseen by an obstetrician, three other obstetricians should be required and be in unison before such an act can even be considered. All three obstetricians will be held liable, including the hospital and insurances for any malfeasance.
5) Only women who have been verifiably investigated, proven to have been a victim, should have the limited ‘option’ of abortion within a timeframe and each should be handled on a case by case basis. NOTE: That LIMITATION will only be permitted up until a HEART BEAT is detected. Irrelevant of the circumstances, the baby will not be aborted if a heart beat is detected in this state. I will fight fist for fist against any and all lawyers and judges who stand in my way.
5) Though the state can not physically ‘restrict’ a woman from traveling, meaning that the state can not prevent a woman moving freely within the U.S. from one state to another to have an abortion, as Governor I will, as other states have, introduce a ‘Fetal Heartbeat Act’ as mentioned above to prevent more innocent babies, NOT FETUSES, babies from being aborted!
illegal ALIENS / immigration
“What Is Not Yours To Take, Is Not Yours To Take.”
Policy on immigration and border security is one of the most vexed topics in our country and with our State of California. The Legislative branch, and many who are still in office at both the state and federal level, are the perpetuators of this problem. It has been politicized for those who are unwilling to lose their power. In-turn, this has done nothing but cause toxic discussions that would otherwise seem mute among the American people.
When it comes to a representative’s role, he or she swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution FIRST. The Constitution is a set of ideals designed to protect the American citizen’s unalienable rights and American sovereignty, not illegal aliens. This is not debatable.
President Ronald Regan tried to compromise on the issue with the ‘Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986,’ which gave amnesty to those already here, but failed. All that did was incentivize more illegal immigration because foreigners knew that they would get amnesty. Unfortunately, this also undermined border strengthening. This process was repeated by the Bush and Obama administrations and the results were the same. This is the definition of insanity and a new compromise will not work.
When we talk about immigration reform, we tend to blend border security, immigration court, and alien enforcement agencies all into one. These are three separate issues and should be treated as such. Immigration courts and personnel need to get a handle on their overburdening positions. Border security needs time to better develop protocols in areas of extreme concern of illegal crossing. Our immigration enforcers, such as ICE, are struggling to communicate with state and local enforcement agencies that are in sanctuary cities and the state as a sanctuary. They are in a losing battle and need better resources to be able to perform their duties. However, if the floodgates are still open, then finding a solution to proper immigration reform in our State of California is never going to happen.
Keep in mind, America allows for over 1 million immigrants to enter into our country and become naturalized legally. That’s more than several other countries combined.
1. California will no longer be a sanctuary state, permanently.
2. Place a moratorium on our state’s southern, northern, and coastal borders on immigration, irrelevant of which nation you come from. This removes any argument about being racially driven.
3. Continue to remove all criminals, irrelevant of the crime, who are already in our jail facilities and deport them to their own country’s prison. No American taxes should be paying for that illegal alien criminal.
4. Work in conjunction with ICE in removing these already imprisoned illegal alien criminals.
5. Incentivize California’s city Mayors, Councils, and BOS with a fine for harboring criminals through their sanctuary city illegal mandates, regulations, penal codes, ordinances, and arrest and prosecute them under common law.
6. Work with our federal district representatives to pass a merit based system of entry into our country. One that shifts the focus to be more about an immigrant who can provide economic growth and ‘needs’ towards the American people.
7. Suspend any further review or processing of refugee and asylum seekers.
8. No benefits of any kind from any state agency, such as E.D.D will be granted to illegal aliens. Californians will come first!
9. California Border Patrol will be reformed to prevent any further invasion!
“My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge”
California’s Department of Education found that districts with the highest percentage of low-income children had roughly 20-30 percent more inexperienced and under-qualified teachers and teachers with a temporary intern credential than districts with fewer low-income children.
Federal government has the responsibility to ensure the right to a free and high quality education for all K-12 students by protecting their rights and providing resources for those in the greatest need. However, the federalizing of our educational infrastructure and increasing the power of the Department of Education at the Cabinet level is argued to undermine the 10th Amendment. Further, the Department of Eduction (DOE) has debatably caused more confusion within each state for its lack of clarity and best practices when it comes to ESEA / NCLB / ESSAct(s), which the ESSA has not resulted in any significant impact since it was updated in 2015.
Better funding is also at the helm of concern when it comes to improving our schools; however, is it the funding of our education or the quality of our education that is in despair? Many teachers say the two are not one and the same.
Therefore, what role should the Governor adhere to when it comes to improving our educational infrastructure? What about this insane indoctrination of drag queen reading hour, trans-gender confusion studies confounding simple subject matters such as math, writing, history, and reading comprehension? Enough is enough!
As Governor I would Propose An Act That Will positively AFFECT Our STATES Educational System
1) Allow the 10th Amendment to work the way it was intended to and handle our own educational standards at the local district levels.
2) Remove ALL trans-gender, drag queen grooming indoctrination propaganda from EVERY school, least they be shut down permanently. Children will no longer be prayed upon under my administration.
3) Guarantee that our state grants enough funding to provide competitive middle-class wages for teachers in low-income, disabled, and high need student districts by no longer allowing California taxes to pay into the Federal Government’s DOE (Department Of Education). That money will stay in our state.
4) Fund and support state and local research and development towards best instructional practices to assist in enhancing teacher effectiveness.
5) Most importantly, allow parents the ability to have ‘school choice’ which in turn puts power back into their hands. Parents will have a greater say over where their child to obtain the best education California has to offer without government or union bureaucracy.
6) Provide lower state taxes to parents choosing to homeschool. If their children are not using the public educational system, then they have no reason to pay on that tax burden.
7) Abolish the CTA for ‘collective bargaining.’
8) Forced mask mandates is child abuse. Period! No child will be required to wear a mask in any school. All mask mandates will be revoked.
9) SB-277 (forced children to be full vaccinated in order to attend public school, authored by State Senator Pan) will be made null and void since this law abrogates the supreme law of the land and state constitution. State Senator Pan will also be incarcerated under my administration!
section 230 / STATE digital bill of rights
“Freedom Is Also Having The Right To Be Forgotten”
It’s obvious by now that the American people are in need of a federal and state ‘Digital Bill of Rights.’ Our forefathers could not have foreseen the age and rise of the Big Tech Giants and the Technocrats. I am not the first to suggest this, but the Tech Giants have too much power and control over the sovereignty of individual privacy and too much control over our government.
How do you stop the censorship? Section 230 has been abused and it isn’t enough to simply remove that protection over social media platforms. Even if Congress or POTUS don’t change it or remove it, as a state, we can put extreme pressure on the federal government to act swiftly by implementing our own State of California ‘Digital Bill of Rights.’
As Governor I would Propose An Act That Will AFFECT Our STATE’S digital bill of rights and continued right to privacy
1) Allow the people of our state to have the right to take control over the anonymity from social media, search engines, and other hosting data platforms by allowing the citizen to have all personal material removed at their request.
2) Protect freedom of speech online without repercussions or retaliation.
3) Prevent Big Tech from interfering in local, state, or national elections with blatant censorship.
4) Create the enforcement of standard state online protocols. This alone will increase business competition and a dismantling of Big Tech’s monopoly.
5) Restore personal privacy to everyone with all old and new platforms that emerge.
6) Mandate clear and unambiguous guidelines of accountability for social media’s self policing that the public can scrutinize in the event of fowl play.
7) Provide mandatory physical over the phone and on-line chat help centers that require all platforms to adhere to granting members the ability to file complaints for record keeping in the event of back door hidden shadow banning algorithms.
CA AB 395 / Nurse To Patient Ratio and Waivers
“Remembering That Bedside Manner Is As Important (if not more so) Than Science”
My wife is a nurse and I have been fortunate to speak to a great deal of nurses in different areas of their field. One of the underlying themes is that many hospitals are experiencing staff shortages. No doubt, the fact that during California lock downs, our front line workers were praised as heroes but are now demonized, ridiculed, or fired if they are not interested in going along with the narrative.
Our amazing nurses are struggling to give the correct care to their patients but can not do so when they are overwhelmed caused by patient ratio increase. The decrease in staff clearly led to more infection, patient suffering, and distrust of the medical community across the state.
Our front line workers are heroes and should be treated as such. Many of them worked through the pandemic when a vaccine wasn’t even available. If they were permitted to work then, why not now? Rhetorical!
All hospitals will be required to provide reparations to ALL nurses and doctors forced to work under these extreme conditions.
All nurses and doctors licensed in the state of California who were furloughed or fired by any union or hospital under their Covid-19 policies will be given the option to return to their original place of practice. This will not detract from reparations.
All hospitals who do NOT comply will be shut down and a state investigation will commence.
COVID-19 VACCINE id / ab 2098 Disseminate Information
“Medical Freedom Is An Individual Right To Seek Other Forms of Health Care”
There is something very sinister about our government trying to implement a vaccine ID. It’s interesting to note that many of the conspiracy theorists were screaming in the earlier days of the lockdown that Covid-19 stood for ‘certification of vaccination ID-2019.’ People said that the government would never implement such draconian mandates or unconstitutional laws, yet here were are now dealing with representatives trying to pass legislation on this very topic.
I have yet to find a doctor, virologist, or any representative from the CDC or the WHO who can explain to me what the long-term side effects will be once someone is injected with this highly experimental vaccine. And is it a vaccine? The more I personally dig, I end up with more questions than answers. At the moment, I stand on the side of the Covid-19 vaccine being more gene therapy then a vaccination. This gives a person (c)DNA or Complimentary DNA which removes you being apart of ‘nature and natures god,’ and is patent eligible according the Supreme Court. This means property can’t own property and therefor has no unalienable rights.
My own personal research has led me to find that there are far more deaths of people who have taken the injection than what the mainstream media has told the public, which makes them purposely complicit. They are equally responsible for those deaths because they chose not to share all sides of the information when people get the injection. That alone doesn’t allow a sovereign society to make a well rounded and educated decision.
One of our other biggest problems in California is our state Medical Board that were appointed by Gavin Newsom. All are part of the propaganda program who have all forced our medical practitioners to engage in malpractice, propaganda, child abuse, forced vaccinations and who have coerced our doctors to go along with their narrative least they lose their license for having an opposing opinion. Now AB 2098 has passed the California State Senate, this will silence any doctor opposing opinion to the Covid-19 injection. That bill alone abrogates the California State Constitution under Article 1 sec. 1.
So then, where do I stand on this issue?
End the State of Emergency. This alone will null and void all vaccine requirements and testing forced by the CA Health Department.
Fire the CA Health Director and investigate the entire Health Department for malfeasance.
Publicly nullify AB 2098 since it is an abrogation to the state constitution and supreme law of the land.
House arrest all 10 California Medical Board members appointed by Gavin for coercion by threat of revoking any other California private practitioners if they gave out more than 5 medical exemptions.
Disband the Health Departments Police Department and seize all of their fiscal assets.
Appoint new 10 California Medical Board members not tied to the CDC, W.H.O, or Big Pharma.
California will be a medical freedom sanctuary state. I will not allow the state or any entity or organization to question entry to a place of business, school, or area of entertainment that infringes upon privacy.
Under my administration, I will veto all attempts to institute a mandatory vaccine ID.
Any vaccine that cannot prove long-term side effects or are not willing to hold themselves liable for lack of efficacy behind a vaccination will not be allowed distribution or administration in California for that vaccine.
Any medical facility or business that disregards these measures will be fined, lose their ability to practice medicine, their business license, and be permanently shut down.
california veterans
“So Others May Live”
There are three major issues with the Veterans Affairs that have yet to truly be resolved, Healthcare, Education, and Housing. The handling of our country’s veterans is something I take very personal. While attending college I worked for the VA during my work-study program in the Administration, handling educational benefits. I was also a veteran who used his VA medical benefits and I can tell you first hand, it lacks the accessible facilities, proper staff and not enough medical personnel to services the needs of the veteran. I’m also a veteran who used his benefits to purchase his home and the process was tedious and over complicated.
Right now military veterans make up, roughly 7 percent of the American population. An estimate of 6 out of 10 veterans, to this day are taking their own lives and the VA Mission Act, though a better step in the right direction requires more improvement. There are veterans who I have personally come across that are homeless, still living in their cars, or couching hoping. Many don’t know how to access or use their benefits.
The VA Mission Act and the NHLU Act (No Hero Left Untreated) justified an increase in federal spending for veteran’s suffering from PTSD or traumatic brain injuries. Money is not the issue when it comes to funding healthcare, education, or housing for our veterans. It is the failure to properly place and maximize where the funding should go and accountability oversight of that spending, which is still in a test phase. However, veterans are still dying while on a waiting list to have their health care needs met. Systematic appropriations towards convenient locations and timely access to licensed mental health care providers is sorely lacking from the VA Mission Act or any other federal act for that matter. It does not answer to the various types of ‘mental health services’ and ‘preventative veteran suicides’ needed. It opens the doors to non-VA medical centers for veterans in emergency needs, provided they meet the criteria, but the waiting time can still exceed 20 to 30 days if the veteran is not within an accessible range to a VA medical facility. Timely and effective care is the aim of the VA services acts, but it is still bending to the whim of satisfying legislative disagreements.
In addition, VA Educational benefits use to have a time limit as to how long a veteran can access those funds. While the military does provide transitional assistance programs for those who are separating from the military back into civilian life, it still takes years for many service members to acclimate to their new civilian life after service. The ‘Forever GI Bill’ insultingly separates certain active military services members over others who are not Purple Heart recipients. It also separates service members who served during certain years of service either before or after 9/11 or up to 2013. This is utter nonsense. So many veterans who served between 1993 and say 1998, that did not access their GI Bill at that time, lost their ability to use their educational benefits because they were on a time constraints.
The sad thing is that most of these decisions are also being made who are sitting on the VA House Committee in Congress have never served in the military.
I can not retroactive the ‘Forever GI Bill’ for ALL honorable discharge services members, retired, separated, and reserves irrelevant of time of obligation. What I can do is use a portion of the states 20 billion dollar educational surplus and allow for our veteran’s to continue their education, at anytime they so choose to, and have their higher education paid for. They need only provide proof of their honorable discharge per their DD-214.
I will ensure, no representative who has never served in the U.S. Armed Forces should hold a chair or be the Chairman on the California Committee of Military and Veteran Affairs, period.
A waiting period of no more than five days should be mandated towards our veterans who are struggling with mental health and they will be given highest priority, and access to any all hospitals, mental health experts, and facilities within a 20 or 30 mile range, depending on their location.
Expand Veteran Homeless Providers Grants and Per Diem for greater reach in smaller communities and rural areas.
“Water Is A Right, Not A Privilege”
I’ve spoken with many farmers, families, and communities that are reliant on agriculture. It amazes me at the utter stupidity our current legislative representatives will go to appease special interest groups to line their own pockets, yet somehow expect our state agriculture to produce status quo with less. I can’t express enough just how upset these communities are. Words can’t do it justice.
The biggest squeeze that California agriculture is experiencing is a shortage on water. Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019 to 2021 was trying to implement a law that will only allow most of these agriculture communities roughly 50 plus gallons per person. This will take water from one region of the state and give it to another. It’s not enforceable per-say, but now I’ve come to believe that our agriculture communities were the test communities that encouraged new water mandates across the state to which water companies will turn your water off or charge even more if you go over what they deem is too much usage. This is a terrible idea to enforce water conservation. These politicians are blaming climate change as a cause of a water shortage, so the cost of water will continue to rise. The reallocated water will supposedly go towards drought readings of areas hit the hardest in our state that may need more water, but it ignores current problems that have readily available solution that won’t cost the people of the state. These solutions, however, don’t help special interest groups.
The state could use already approved ‘general obligation bonds,’ which varies every years between 3 and 5 billion dollars to explore smaller delta tunnels to areas of our state where communities and cities are reliant on agriculture.
Fund smaller recycling reservoirs for rural communities so they can be more self-sustaining during droughts when metropolitan areas are overburdened.
Refine Water Flow Standards. The Oroville Dam should be researched with how much water could be diverted to our farms, metropolitan areas, military bases and so on throughout different times and seasons of the year. Much of the water is released and wasted when there is an overflow, which is a partial reason behind the Oroville spillway.
Implement year round preventative measures. Costs go up when levy’s break, dams need repairs, pipes burst, and droughts set in.
Much like solar power, tax incentives should be granted to homes and businesses who retrofit their property for Rain Harvesting. Engaging in this kind of water conservation activity can also create new healthy business competition, job innovation, and will help keep water plentiful when droughts hit our state hard.
“But If Anyone Walks At Night, He Will Stumble Because He Has No Light”
We will never be able to legislate our way out of hate which is at the core of any racism, systemic or otherwise. Any candidate that thinks more policy will magically stop racism is delusional. More legislation is usually in indication of further restriction on the people. Any career politician or candidate that boasts about how much they’ve supported or passed during their previous time in politics should be a sign of a red flag.
Career politicians are at the rotten core of everything wrong in our country and our state. California has pumped out some of the worst representatives American history has ever seen. Adam Schiff, over 20 years in public office; Nancy Pelosi, over 33 years in public office; Maxine Waters, over 40 years in public office; Dianne Feinstein, over 40 years in public office. These career politicians have set a disgusting pattern of behavior for junior holders like California Congressman, Eric Swalwell. He was pathetically found guilty of sleeping with a Chinese spy, but I guess that okay nowadays. I could go on, but to top it all off is Vice President Kamala Harris. I firmly believe the election was stolen and she was purposely complicit in exchange for her current position.
I am tired of spineless sell-out degenerate representatives. If the people want real change, stop wrapping up the same old garbage in a new package and expecting a different result. It will never happen. Career Politicians keep the people divided.
As governor I make one solemn promise to the people of california when it comes to career politicians
Those who have been in office longer than 10 years and ignorantly drafted egregious bills which violates their oath of office, will be forced to step down and vacate their seat.
Those who have willfully violated their oath by passing and voting in legislation repugnant to supreme law of the land, I will make dam sure they see the inside of a prison wall.
Those who have criminally engaged in crimes against humanity per the c-19 jab, open boarder child sex trafficking will be charged and tried under the Nuremberg Code, Common Law within our state!
“I Am Who I Am…And All That I Am”