“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
— Mark Twain

STATE TAXES / federal taxes

Starve The Government and Feed The People

As Governor I Will end illegal taxation of your capital

  1. End the Federal and payroll “income” tax indefinitely. This does not require the legislative process since Congress, in 1913 defined Capital as “labor.” Supreme Court Ruled: Butchers Union vs. Crescent City Co. (1884). Knowlton vs. Moore (1900), that taxes can only be on duties, imposts and excises.

  2. Excised tax will only be allowed to the Federal Government, granted by the U.S. Constitution in apportionment which will be determined of how much or how little by the people of California.

  3. Minimize the sales tax by cutting it by half. This would cut sales tax from 7.5% to 3.25% combined with local taxes that would normally be 10.5%, we could then bring sales tax down to 5.25%.

  4. Since AB 1253 is unconstitutional, I will nullify and cut the wealthy tax by half. This would bring down the 13.3% and 16.8% to 6.65% and 8.4.%. Government does not have the right to punish the wealthy because the state government mismanages its own fiscal policy.

  5. Because the IRS engages in ‘legal fraudulent concealment’ through their contract tax forms, California will no longer allow for the the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to operate without full transparency to inform the people that taxes are “voluntary.”

  6. Implement a cap on state government spending that would only allow the incurring of a debt that could be paid off in one generation. If the next generation has to pay for it, then the state doesn’t have the funds to spend it.


Criminals Don’t Care About State or Federal Gun Laws


  1. Any gun used in a crime, should be charged and held under similar restriction as cyber crimes, 18 U.S.C s 1030(e)(1). They must subject themselves upon release to probational computer monitoring, be registered like sex offenders, and be held to the same type of scrutiny sexual predators are held too.

  2. Increase fines, longer community laboring services, and longer sentences for both adults and juveniles.

  3. Become a ‘Stand Your Ground State.’ Loosen and expand the ‘Castle Law’ to tie into the ‘Good Samaritan Law’ for law-abiding citizens when a self-defense gun action has taken place in their home or on various types of property, but also to a neighboring citizen that may be in distress, which should then be handled on a case by case basis.

  4. Make public nullifications against all pre-crime ‘red flag’ laws that will no longer be enforced in California under my administration.

  5. Any criminal who has served their time and probational time that are non-repeat offenders will have their ‘rights’ fully restored to keep and bear arms.

  6. CCW’s are un-Constitutional and will work tirelessly to change the requirements for lawful citizens to ‘conceal and carry’ so communities can have greater involvement preventing criminal activities.

CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING and sexual criminal acts against minors

Who Will Our Children Run To When The Laws Protect the Predator and Not The Child

As Governor I will go on the offense against pedophiles

  1. Re-institution and a fast track to the death penalty for all child pedophiles and various predators alike. I will set a clear and concise message to any MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons), trafficker, and buyer, hands off the children!

  2. In the State of California, the age 18 needs to be reaffirmed with harsher punishment that once you are 18, a ‘Hands Off No Exceptions Act’ should be established when an adult and minor sexual engagement has transpired irrelevant of sexual orientation to mitigate argumentative discrimination attempts to undermine it by the LGBTQ+ community.

  3. Incorporate into California’s educational curriculum, mandated classes on laws against sex crimes to better educate our children and empower their understanding to safeguard their future against potential predators.

  4. I will create a task force that will lead public investigations, to the fullest extent, that will look into ALL of our state’s representatives in EVERY branch that have turned a blind eye, passed egregious legislation like SB145 and SB384, or protected the criminal instead of the child when it comes to the sex trafficking of children and excusal of pedophiles hiding within our government institutions. These people will be indicted, prosecuted, and live the rest of their days behind bars.

  5. Every shipping container will be inspected before the containers can be off loaded with the help of the National Guard and Air National Guard comprised of human and child sex trafficking preventative committees and organizations. These groups will mitigate and investigate shore dock personnel having ties to underground cartels engaging all various forms trafficking.

defunding the police / police reform

I Do Not Support Defunding The Police. Period!

AS GOVERNOR I Will institute Law enforcement reform that will protect both peace officer and the public

  1. All law enforcement agencies will have to take remedial classes to ensure they are enforcing Constitutional law and NOT statutes that abrogate or abridge the Right of the people.

  2. Removal and preventing the allowance for disciplinary police officers to transfer from precinct to precinct, whether in state transfer or out of state transfer. Repeat disciplinary police officers bring corruption that stains the honor of the principled who support their oath to the Constitution and the duty to the people.

  3. Police academies are only 6 months long. If a medical student has to attend 4 to 10 years of training before they can become an official doctor, a lawyer has to attend up to 7 years before they can practice law, then why not a police officer? We need required extended training for at least another 12 months before being granted a badge, a gun, perform investigations, and the power to arrest.

  4. Extended training should require on the job training in respective fields they have to deal with for a minimum of 2 to 3 month each (i.e. Constitutional and state constitutional law, EMT, fire department, social work, dispatch, homeless, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/ hand-to-hand combat, suicide hotline, drug addiction programs, reformed gang member training, etc.).

  5. To bridge the gap between law enforcement and the public, we need better ‘ride-along’ and ‘a day with a police officer’ programs that need to be made available and mandated to the public that are not widely accepted in other districts and counties in California.

  6. County Sheriffs are the gate keepers to protecting the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution and State Constitution stay intact. Sadly their budget is controlled by the BOS forcing the Sheriff to play politics, which quite often undermines their duty to the supreme law of the land. Under my administration, county Sheriff budgets will only be controlled by the Sheriff’s department and their increase by a vote of the people from their county. This will allow the people to be provided a greater level of control over their Sheriffs department if their county Sheriff is not performing their duties properly.

homeless / housing

“The Poor Will Always Be With Us”

As Governor I will stop local and state officials profiteering off of the homeless

  1. Standardized homelessness in the state constitution as to prevent state and cities from requesting more federal funding to claim a “crisis” when there is zero public fiscal oversight.

  2. Apply homeless programs and concepts that are currently working in one county and apply them to the adjacent county that is still struggling.

  3. Project Room Key’ and the ‘Interim Housing Act’ will be heavily investigated for the amount of money that has been put into these state endeavors, were more homeless should have been removed off the streets and placed into better living facilities but never happened.

  4. Bridge the gap between any misunderstanding of current property owners with vacancies and provide them with greater tax breaks to allow their property to be retrofitted for the homeless. Develop these tax incentives for inner city homeowners to extend or lend their property in the surrounding homeless neighborhoods and work with groups, similar to the over 600 nonprofit homeless organizations and churches that have ‘open books’ already made available to the public who focus on different facets of the homeless populace such as mental instability, addicts, veterans, and others who are just down on their luck.

  5. Many of these organizations already provide rent payments, maintenance of the facility, and rehabilitation for the homeless. I will expand on Section 8 Housing that will help allow banks relinquish vacant property and actually get the homeless off the street were the people will have a better stake in their community.

climate change

“The Wind Blows Where It Wishes, And You Hear Its Sound, But You Do Not know Where It Comes From Or Where It Goes.”

As Governor I Will end the mismanagement of state fires

  1. End all forestry and fire fighting D.E.I programs.

  2. Expand the authority of our United States Forest Services and California Dept. Of Forestry to work in tandem in our state to better cultivate our forests in preparation for fire season and remove special interest and environmentalist groups ability to blockade and sue the USFS and CDOF for forest thinning, dead tree removal, and timber sales.

  3. Triple the number of incarcerated firefighter inmate programs for increased support and year round seasonal forestry fire preparation cleaning and clearing.

  4. Incentivize California firefighter volunteer programs by providing businesses, jobs, property, and other tax exemptions to those willing to provide their support for a dangerous job where recruitment is struggling to provide new members.

  5. Increase the distance from electric grid and forestry away from small rural and heavily dense populated areas to not effect housing and businesses prone to wild fires.

  6. Instead of calling on our military, the state national guard during typical fire season, we need to call on them in a preventative measure before fire season. If we can use our military for humanitarian purposes during non-war times then we can use them here, right at home, during non-fire season times.

  7. End GEO Engineering. All plans that are cloud seeding, chem-trailing California skies or blocking out the sun will be escorted to a military base or shot down. Let God’s green earth and its weather take its natural course.


Laugh Hard, Sleep Well Can Be A Great Cure For Many Things

As Governor it’s time to improve our state healthcare system so the people have greater control over their own health

  1. Provide quarterly data on unnecessary medical waste to Accountable Care Organization (ACO) so medical communities can make quick and decisive quality improvements on delivery of medical care.

  2. Create a state healthcare policy that will allow Californians to buy and accept health insurances across our state line to create better competition and choice.

  3. Provide greater state incentives for the expansion of private practitioners to take on homeless or allow 20 percent or more of their low income and physically impaired clients to pay zero fees.

  4. Allow doctors and nurses the freedom to innovate and meet the needs of their patients without being held down or stopped by the hospital, insurance policy, or the corrupt California Medical Board.

  5. Encourage the people of California to obtain an HSA (Health Savings Account) which is not taxable. This will allow people to pay for medical needs where insurances fail. This can also help citizens pay for family members that are here illegally, but can still retain proper medical attention without burdening tax payers until they can be repatriated.


No One Is Above The Rule Of Law

As Governor I will hold the vaccine manufacturing companies accountable

  1. End the compliancy to the ‘Vaccine Injury Act of 1986’ as a state and its un-Constitutional grounding by removing Californians from the Tax Trust Fund for vaccine injuries.

  2. Publicly nullify SB 276 and SB 277 illegally infringe upon the 1st Amendment and religious exemption which discriminate against parents and their children who choose not to vaccinate. These bills hold hostage kids from attending public schools.

  3. Ensure the State of California will hold the vaccine companies directly responsible for maleficence by denying their company any further distribution in California without proof of corrected publicly trialed and tested efficacy of ALL, quote un-quote, vaccines.

  4. Re-list all previously removed ingredients of the last decades for all vaccines which can be verified by the public, hospitals, physicians, and third party researchers unaffiliated with big pharmaceutical companies or private industries.

  5. Reparations to all parents who’s 1st Amendment Rights were violated and forced into homeschooling their children.


Before I Formed You In The Womb, I Knew You


  1. Nullify AB 2223 ‘INFANTICIDE.’ This bill removed the words “crimes against nature.” That was done on purpose to get around the laws of nature and of nature’s God. That act alone puts the authors who drafted the bill and those who voted this bill to operate falsely under the color of law, in violation of their oath.

  2. Close down and remove Planned (Abortions) Parenthood’s ability to operate in the State of California. Taxpayers have no business paying for someone else’s desire to abort a child.

  3. The state can help direct better funds towards organizations that do not support abortions such as religious health centers and other medical foundations that rehabilitate these women and young girls who are victims of rape, incest, or sex trafficking. These organizations and foundations should be given the highest priority of funding and personnel to help them educate and meet the emotionally distressed woman’s needs and to incentivize the mother to keep the baby or present them with the support needed when choosing to place the baby for adoption.

  4. Any OBGYN will tell you that this particular circumstances has almost never happened. But for those that want this answered, here you go: If an abortion is necessary based on ‘potential’ complications that may be foreseen by an obstetrician, three other obstetricians should be required and be in unison before such an act can even be considered. All three obstetricians will be held liable, including the hospital and insurances for any malfeasance.

  5. Though the state can not physically ‘restrict’ a woman from traveling, meaning that the state can not prevent a woman moving freely within the U.S. from one state to another to have an abortion, as Governor I will, as other states have, introduce a ‘Fetal Heartbeat Act’ to prevent more innocent babies, fetus, which means small human, from being aborted!

illegal ALIENS / immigration

What Is Not Yours To Take, Is Not Yours To Take


  1. California will no longer allow any city or town, non-incorporated or incorporated the ability to provide sanctuary to any illegal alien, permanently. Any city Mayor, Council, and BOS will be fine, arrested, and prosecution for harboring criminals and passing egregious legislation to falsely operate under the color of law.

  2. Place a moratorium on our state’s southern, northern, and coastal borders, suspending any further review or processing of refugee and asylum seekers into California.

  3. Cooperate with ICE and remove all criminals who are already in our jail facilities and deport them to their own country’s prison.

  4. For any illegal alien caught entering our boarders a second time, life imprisonment!

  5. Set another clear and concise message to any and all illegal aliens who commit a heinous act, in addition to their illegal entry, will be sentenced to the death penalty. Do NOT come to California!


My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge

As Governor I would Propose An Act That Will positively AFFECT Our STATES Educational System

  1. Abolish the CTA for ‘collective bargaining.’

  2. Remove ALL trans-gender, drag queen grooming indoctrination propaganda from EVERY school, least they be shut down permanently. Children will no longer be prayed upon under my administration.

  3. Fund and support state and local research and development towards best instructional practices to assist in enhancing teacher effectiveness to be standardized in the state constitution.

  4. Afford parents the ability to have ‘school choice’ which in turn puts power back into their hands. Parents will have a greater say over where their child can obtain the best education California has to offer without government or union bureaucracy.

  5. Provide lower state taxes, and provide yearly tax write-offs to parents choosing to homeschool.

social media

Freedom Is Also Having The Right To Be Forgotten

As Governor I will propose a STATE digital bill of rights and an expansion on the right to privacy

  1. Irrelevant of Section 230, the state can ensure social media platforms are not operating as a dual platform that functions like a publication that can censor the 1st Amendment.

  2. Allow the people of our state to have the right to take control over the anonymity from social media, search engines, and other hosting data platforms by allowing the citizen to have all personal material removed at their request that is associated to their profiles they control.

  3. Prevent Big Tech from interfering in local and state elections with blatant censorship.

  4. Mandate a clear and unambiguous guidelines of accountability for social media’s self policing that the public can scrutinize and bring a speedy lawsuit against in the event of fowl play.

  5. Provide mandatory, both physical over the phone and on-line chat help centers that require all platforms to adhere to granting members the ability to file complaints for record keeping in the event of provable back door hidden shadow banning algorithms.

California medical board

Medical Freedom Is An Individual Right To Seek Other Forms of Health Care


  1. Fire the CA Health Director and investigate the entire Health Department for malfeasance.

  2. Investigate all 10 California Medical Board members appointed by Gavin for coercion by threat of revoking any other California private practitioners if they gave out more than 5 medical exemptions for the mandated Covid-19 gene-therapy.

  3. Disband the Health Departments Police Department and seize all of their fiscal assets.

  4. Appoint new 10 California Medical Board members not tied to the CDC, W.H.O, or Big Pharma.

  5. California will be a medical freedom sanctuary state. I will not allow the state or any entity or organization to question entry to a place of business, school, or area of entertainment that infringes upon privacy.

  6. Any vaccine that cannot prove long-term side effects or are not willing to hold themselves liable for lack of efficacy behind a vaccination will not be allowed distribution or administration in California for that vaccine.

  7. Any medical facility or business that disregards these measures will be fined, lose their ability to practice medicine, their business license, and be permanently shut down.

california veterans

So Others May Live

AS GOVERNOR I WILL PROVIDE REAL SOLUTIONs TO SUPPORT OUR service members who reside in California

  1. I can not retroactive the ‘Forever GI Bill’ for ALL honorable discharge services members, retired, separated, and reserves irrelevant of time of obligation. What I can do is use a portion of the states 20 billion dollar educational surplus and allow for our veteran’s to continue their education, at anytime they so choose to, and have their higher education paid for. They need only provide proof of their honorable discharge per their DD-214.

  2. I will ensure, no representative who has never served in the U.S. Armed Forces should hold a chair or be the Chairman on the California Committee of Military and Veteran Affairs, period.

  3. A waiting period of no more than five days should be mandated towards our veterans who are struggling with mental health and they will be given highest priority and access to any all hospitals, mental health experts, and facilities within a 20 or 30 mile range, depending on their location.

  4. Expand Veteran Homeless Providers grants and per-diem for greater reach in smaller communities and rural areas.


Water Is A Right, Not A Privilege


  1. The state could use already approved ‘general obligation bonds,’ which varies every year between 3 and 5 billion dollars to explore smaller delta tunnels to areas of our state where communities and cities are reliant on agriculture.

  2. Fund smaller recycling reservoirs for rural communities so they can be more self-sustaining during droughts when metropolitan areas are overburdened.

  3. Refine Water Flow Standards. The Oroville Dam should be researched with how much water could be diverted to our farms, metropolitan areas, military bases and so on throughout different times and seasons of the year. Much of the water is released and wasted out into the ocean when there is an overflow, which is a partial reason behind the Oroville spillway.

  4. Implement year round preventative measures. Costs go up when levy’s break, dams need repairs, pipes burst, and droughts set in.

  5. Much like solar power, tax incentives should be granted to homes and businesses who retrofit their property for Rain Harvesting. Engaging in this kind of water conservation activity can also create new healthy business competition, job innovation, and will help keep water plentiful when droughts hit our state hard.

  6. Costs for water will be decreased when water is plentiful and reservoirs are full.


But If Anyone Walks At Night, He Will Stumble Because He Has No Light

As governor I will ensure we harness our electric grid

  1. We will re-open all power plants that have closed down due to green new policies, starting with San Onofre Generating Station.

  2. We will expand on various gas-fired facilities that generate electricity for the state.

  3. We will hold back on renewable green new energies until they can be properly explored and tested to mitigate any fallout with untried and vetted new technologies.


I Am Who I Am…And All That I Am

as governor i will end any future elections from being stolen

  1. Voter I.D. will be mandatory.

  2. Voting machines will be a thing of the past and no longer permitted to function in our state.

  3. In-person voting only.

  4. Absentee mail-in ballots will only be permitted to verifiable military, elderly or disabled.

  5. Purge all county voter rolls every 2 years and announce all state lawful citizens must re-register. This prevents dead people from remaining on the voter roll or someone stealing the identity of deceased person.

  6. Party affiliation will no longer be mandatory to register as a voter, only legal citizenry so people can vote for whom ever they choose in their local, state, or federal elections.