“The time is coming when all Americans will have to pick a side and fight to maintain their freedoms or be ruled by tyrannical government. ”
Daniel R. Mercuri, Mexican Sicilian ethnic background, was born on July 30, 1976, is a Southern California native and a resident of Ventura County. He is a third-generation American born citizen coming from his father’s side. His paternal great-grandmother came to the U.S.A. during WWII from the island of Sicily. Daniel is a second-generation American born citizen from his mother’s side. His maternal grandparents had immigrated to America from Mexico.
Frank and Santina Mercuri
Frank Jr. and Elizabeth Mercuri
Daniel is a former congressional candidate of California’s 25th District 2020 Special Election. After months of campaigning and attending forums, debates, radio and speaking engagements, Daniel experienced a level of corporate, union, and super pac favoritism, threats, demonization, and the undermining of legal contributions coming in the form of promising riches. He realized that the allure of political temptation is so elaborate and fomenting that he understands now why representatives eventually turn their backs on the people. But Daniel never gave in, even when he was trolled and threatened. Armed with his understanding of the political arena, he’s more than ready to fight for the survival of his state.
january 2020 forum
Daniel Was One of the Only Two Republicans Speaking Out and Against government corruption at the Santa Susana Forum
Daniel is currently co-CEO of his independent production company, former CFO and co-partner with his private investment partnership, currently an Advertising Marketing Professional, an Author of the recently published book, Lucifer Zenith, and a United States Naval Veteran, former HS-4 Black Knight. Daniel also comes from a generation of men who have served in the United States Armed Forces, stemming from his grandfather, to his father and his uncle, to his older brother and himself. He enlisted and served active duty between 1998 to 2003, and completed his Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) time in 2006. He performed his duties as an Aircrew Search and Rescue (SAR), Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), and a Rescue Swimmer. He dedicated his life to serving his country and was honorably discharged.
Presenting Daniel’s Letter of Commendation During Operation Enduring Freedom
After his term of obligation and honorable discharge, Daniel turned home and attended school in early 2003 to obtain his degrees in Film and Television as well as Speech and Communication. During his education, Daniel began to work in the entertainment industry. Between 2004 and 2005, Daniel struggled to find full-time or even part-time work and experienced negative bias towards veterans. Between 2006 to current, Daniel eventually climbed his way into the ‘Direct-To-Consumer’ Digital Social-Media Advertising and Marketing industry. His marketing advertising journey led him to become a Technical Producer and Post-Production Professional working for some of the biggest companies in the California.
Daniel On-Set as Executive Producer and Director of his company’s web-series
Over time, Daniel came across other struggling veterans looking for work. He then teamed up with his business partner and started his own independent production company where he is co-Founder and Executive Producer. Between 2017 and early 2019, Daniel and his business partner decided to produce a project that helped several struggling veterans break into the entertainment industry and join the entertainment union. Daniel also joined the Veterans in Media Entertainment (VME) where his latest project utilized almost all veterans on both sides of the lens, helping his fellow service members aim towards a brighter future.
Daniel speaking with a homeless woman, Michelle Grey, who has been on the street since the 1980’s.
Daniel is also a real estate investment student and during his congressional campaign he reached out to the real estate investment community on providing affordable housing and homes to the homeless, especially with those who are eager to provide homes for struggling veterans and their families.
In 2016, Daniel co-Founded his second business and partnership and became the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for his private investment group that focused on commodities and digital crypto currencies. Daniel has spent over seven years researching and understanding the science behind digital currency technology and how it could have a hand in safeguarding individual assets.
“States should engage in supporting new digital commodities to help hedge the people from a potential coming collapse”
Daniel has been a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, now 2nd Degree Black Belt, over the last nineteen years. He is also a volunteer amateur boxing and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) instructor for all new comers, kids classes bjj coach, young athletes, military, police officers, and private security guards who are looking to harness their fighting and self-defense skills. “With all the restrictions California legislators have put on our law enforcement, in my humble opinion, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is probably one of the best solutions to effectively get around these state restrictions while still being able to properly perform their duties.”
Daniel grappling with one of his training partners.
Daniel has spoken with numerous people in his community and has listened to their grievances. Most believe our current government has fooled the people into giving up their rights for a blown out of proportion plandemic. Now that the genie is out of the bottle and people have ‘died suddenly’ the biggest question people have is, how do we get our rights back? But the truth of the matter is your rights were never gone to begin with…This is the fight!
how do we awaken those that are asleep
“When we speak about Unalienable Rights, we are talking about Rights that are God-given human rights that can never be removed, transferred, taken, or contracted away due to ‘circumstances,’ i.e. the Wuhan Virus (Covid-19). Yet the people fool heartedly trusted big government and willingly gave up those rights. Do the people truly believe the technocratic rulers will give them back?”
— Daniel Mercuri
Daniel has grown tired of hearing the blatant lies, the bold face allegations, the propaganda running wild through our mainstream media (MSM) and big tech silencing is crushing the conservative voice for not going along with the false narrative being pumped out by the Deep State. Everyone is pointing the finger, but no one is taking the blame. Daniel is no longer going to hold back and has been putting together another amazing team to help get his campaign off and running for 2026. He has thrown political correctness out the door and will continue to speak the honest truth, so if you can’t handle it, go find your safe space, because you will get none of that with Daniel!