“The people who say they just can’t involve themselves in politics because the subject matter is so extremely polarizing are the same people who complain when gas prices go too high and taxes burden their livelihood. Everything is political!”
stand up now not tomorrow
It’s not enough nowadays that people tell me that I’ve got their vote. That holds very little substance. You can’t just simply vote anymore. We as a free people now have to involve ourselves in holding one of the most KEY representatives, I believe, accountable for Californians having an integrity driven election. Our County Clerks. If you want real change, then you too must pick up your cross and bear the burden of responsibility. If you don’t, then it doesn’t matter if you think I am right for the job or any other candidate for that matter. The Left have infiltrated the integrity of our elections.
Brief History: County Clerk:
The County Clerk, where many are voted in by the people, and some are appointed by the county Board of Supervisors, are a nonpartisan countywide elected officials serving four-year terms. Due to the complexity of the arrangements in each of the 58 counties in California, the County Clerk may also assume a variety of other duties and its office may be consolidated with other separate, independently elected countywide offices such as the tax collector-treasurer, auditor, assessor, or public guardian. Depending on the county organization, the County Clerk may also be the Registrar of Voters, Recorder, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and/or Clerk of the Superior or Municipal Court. To illustrate: Placer County has a County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar, San Diego has a Recorder-County Clerk, and Fresno has a County Clerk-Registrar of Voters. In some counties, each office is independent and the Clerk, Registrar, or Recorder may be either elected or appointed by the Board of Supervisors, depending on the provisions of state law or the respective county charter.
Registrar of Voters Responsibility:
Clerks register all voters in the county and maintains the voter files, verifies petitions, files campaign statements (with the exception of city elections, which are conducted by the city clerk), conducts all elections in the county (i.e., federal, state, county, school, and special district elections), and contracts with some cities to conduct their elections. Cities, schools, and special districts pay for the costs of their elections. County, state, and federal elections are paid for by the county.
Surety Bond:
California Government Code Section 36518
CA Govt Code § 36518 (2017)
"Before entering upon the duties of their offices, the city clerk and city treasurer shall each execute a bond to the city. Except as otherwise provided, the bonds shall conform to the provisions of this code relating to bonds of public officers. The penal sum of the bond shall be in a reasonable amount recommended by the city attorney and fixed by the city council, by resolution, and may be changed during their terms of office." —This proves fixed surety Bonds are associated with all those who swear in individually or by department.
Counties that use Dominion Voting Machines:
Alameda, Butte, Contra Costa, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Marin, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, and Yuba. —These are the counties we should be focusing on with the IRREGULARITIES that we need to ensure do not happen and hold the County Clerks / Registrars responsible.
Update California Counties Using Voting Machines:
January 2023: All California counties are now in full use of electronic voting machines and counting machines either by Dominion Image Cast X 5.10A, Democracy Live Secure Select, Heart Verity 3.1 Central Count, VSAP 3.0 and ES&S EVS
click image
No Hand Counting Paper Ballots:
Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast Evolution: The ImageCast Evolution is a precinct based optical scan tabulator. In addition to scanning and tabulating marked paper ballots, the ImageCast Evolution is also a ballot-marking device for voters with disabilities. It is the only voting machine that allows all voters – regardless of their ability – to use the same paper ballot on the same machine to cast their vote. —This is how they get away with counting unfairly.
Ballot Box Chain of Custody / Retriever:
California Code of Regulation: Title 2. Administration, Division 7. SOS, Chapter 3. Voting Location. Article 1. Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop Boxes and Vote-by-Mail Drop-Off Locations: Section Code 20137:
(a)The county elections official shall develop ballot collection and chain of custody procedures, which shall be substantially similar to the following:
(1) The county elections official shall assign at least two designated ballot retrievers to retrieve voted vote-by-mail ballots from a drop box. Each designated ballot retriever shall wear a badge or similar identification that readily identifies them as a designated ballot retriever. (Note: These people swear an oath before they are tasked per this section code)
(2) Only designated ballot retrievers and law enforcement identified by the county elections official may transport the retrieved voted vote-by-mail ballots.
We do not have protocols that outline what each county is going to do to ensure voter integrity, though they say they do, BUT NOT when it comes to IRREGULARITIES. Our County Clerks / Registrars and Board of Supervisors who some appoint the Registrar need to be vetted for that protocol information.
1) What is the protocol when irregularities begin and people complain that the machine displays that the voter already voted when they didn't?
2) What is the protocol when ballot retrievers are not following the chain of custody properly?
3) If people wish to surrender their mail-in-ballot for a paper ballot, what is the protocol to being handed a paper ballot since voters can not be denied this option?
4) Is there an approved PEN and not Sharpy that should be used at each of the precincts? How will you stop precincts that are reported to not follow proper procedure in the immediacy?
5) What is the protocol to ensure that the SOS will not announce a winner in any race until your county, not only closes the precinct, but verifies to the people of their county that all ballots have been submitted and have been counted?
6) Make accessible the voting machine / counting tabulation machine contracts to the public.
If these clerks provide B.S. answers, which they will and make it sound very technical, then we have to research each of the clerk / registrars in each of the 58 counties, narrowing it down as to which of the clerks are voted in. You will then have a better idea as to how many votes those clerks received and how easy it will be to RECALL them if they're not going to do their jobs.
For example:
Since most County Clerks / Registrars are voted in by the people, Mark A. Lunn, Ventura County, my county Clerk won his election against Dantona in 2010 and received (50,000) votes vs. Dantona who received (43,400) votes. To recall the County Clerk, an average of 10% of his votes from the previous election are required. Lunn would only need a recall campaign of 5000 signatures to institute a recall election. Ventura County has over 450k registered voters. I think mustering voters to recall these clerks should be nowhere near as difficult as it was recalling Gavin Newsom. This is what we need to slap these people with this kind of pressure, if they will not ensure the integrity of our elections. A lot of County Clerks support the voter machines. The more information we know, the more we will have better control over the integrity of our elections.