“American ascendancy and self-governance has been despoiled by a single locution, progressiveness to which California is praised for.”
WHO am i
I’m a man who believes in putting America and Californian’s first!
My journey into this swamp arena ‘We The People’ call politics, started back in 2019 when I first became a congressional candidate of California’s 25th District. After which I finally understood how the corruption moves behind the political spectrum and I couldn’t just walk away, not without one hell of a fight. I now know this evil cancer saturating within our representatives must be stopped. After fasting and heavy prayer, I stepped back into the political ring for the 2021 California ‘Recall’ election and later the 2022 Primary election as a gubernatorial candidate. The fight for my state is far from over.
“As a veteran, I did not swear my oath to Communism, Marxism, Socialism or any other ...ism for that matter. I swore the oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.”
a veteran honoring his oath
As an honorably discharged United States Naval Veteran, I am tired of the political correctness, the vitriol, and the deliberate lies that purposely keep the people divided caused by our representatives on both sides of the party lines. Republicans and Democrats have turned their back on their constituents. Being exposed to the corruption first hand and having experienced the bribery that engulfs our government, I am more than prepared to bring the fight to the corrupt in our government’s doorstep. It’s time for a new breed of representative servitude with backbone. My gloves are off and having a deep understanding of the U.S. Constitution, I’m extremely ready to remove those sadistic politicians out of politics. Being a native of Southern California, I am all too familiar with empty promises when it comes to government transparency and the lack of accountability.
“The primary purpose of a State Constitution is to provide more liberties and freedoms that harmonize with the U.S. Constitution, not less”
Our greatest fight is coming
The world has truly changed and the governments of the world have clamped down on freedom and ‘God given unalienable rights’ in the name of health, peace, safety, and security hidden under the guise of progressivism. These progressive tactics are nothing more than Socialist, Marxist, and Communistic ideologies sweeping across the entire country, not just California. I swore to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution and the ‘The People’s’ unalienable rights. I realized that when I ran for political office the first time, I was too poised, polite, and politically correct. I’m done with PC.
“We don’t have systemic racism in this country, we have systemic career politicians who like to pour salt on old wounds keeping the people divided”
The core of the problem
Throughout ALL of my campaigns, the one core issue that was undeniable that kept being brought up was…too many career politicians in all branches of our government getting away with violating their oath of office and allowing the grievances of their constituents to fall on deaf ears.
I am not looking to shake hands or panhandle with the overwhelmingly corrupted bureau(r)ats. I am fighting, with Jesus as my foundation, to free the people of government tyranny and stop the Deep State and their seditious Establishment. Trying to reason with the unreasonable is not possible, because a crazy person will always make a sane person go crazy.